31-12-2018 00:00 GMT |
210 |
201 |
Other Altcoin Lending
EthLend will add other altcoins & tokens for lending. |
30-11-2018 00:00 GMT |
16 |
13 |
Democracy DAO
"Creating and Testing Democracy DAO," by end of November 2018. |
31-10-2018 00:00 GMT |
15 |
11 |
Prediction Market
"Prediction Market to Assess Credit Risk," by end of October 2018. |
30-09-2018 00:00 GMT |
139 |
135 |
Credit Risk Protocol
ETHLend will provide a protocol for developers to create bots to asses Credit Risk. |
19-09-2018 00:00 GMT |
83 |
76 |
Helsinki Meetup
"ETHLend & ELSA Helsinki are organizing in cooperation a blockchain and law related evening." |